Finance branded content MONEYCOM - Format di infotainment per il settore finanziario

Moneycom is a specific infotainment branded content format for financial industry to focus on the education of proper management in savings.

Moneycom is a specific infotainment branded content format for financial industry to focus on the education of proper management in savings.

The emergency

Financial education

The Italian negative score on Financial Education stands at 11,1 out of 21 with women and elderly people experiencing the most significant delays. Indeed, more than 50% of Italians doesn’t have financial skills to take correct or aware decisions about their finances and therefore more than 31% would like to understand how to save better by studying topics as “life planning” and “wealth management” (OCSE 2020).


Moneycom is a specific infotainment branded content format for financial industry that uses the typical empathy of cinema, movies, and TV series to educate audience on proper management of savings but also explaining about digital tools correct utilization, financial planning and wealth management.

Deeper into the theme thanks to Educational clips & Tutorials with experts.

Within each episode, an educational clip will help viewers to focus on the theme showcased by storytelling and as a “short summary” will convey simple but important notions about financial education. Moreover linked to each episode the audience will find a tutorial with the expert helpful to deepen the theme covered in each episode offering best practices to increase their awareness.

Finance Branded Content MONEYCOM



The branded content on Italian TV (LA5)

Into the game format “Compagni di Viaggio” created for ALLIANZ and broadcasted on Italian tv channel Mediaset La5, four teams of adventurers travel the four corners of the world by camper to challenge each other in a competition of cultures and multi-sensory experiences. Their travels will be always safe, thanks to their policy able to protect them from any unexpected events.

Finance Branded Content MONEYCOM - BANCA D’ITALIA

Financial in Education with Pinocchio

With Bank of Italy during Global Money Week, the story of Pinocchio was as an active tool to catch empathy among kids and raise awareness on financial education with some special workshops at Pinocchio’s Monumental Park in Collodi, Tuscany. Who better than Pinocchio, who had directly experienced in his story that “pure gold coins don’t grow up on trees”, and a Worldwide Cultural Organization like Carlo Collodi National Foundation could raise awareness about the issue?

Detailed study about the expertise and methods behind an audiovisual format allow to tell the audience how your stories are born with newsworthy projects to gain attention.


Wealth management, proper use of digital tools, saving and investment. In Finance there are so many topics that need to be showed with empathy to reinforce the awareness among young and elderly people. Moneycom format allows both to put attention on and inform to specific topic by using entertainment.

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A path born with contamination

From the magic tricks I performed since I was a teen, I learned how wonder works. Since then it has accompanied me throughout my path. Beginning with creating a children’s television format in media partnerhip with the GIFFONI FILM FESTIVAL, Mukko Pallino, up to authoring at Mediaset for Italian tv shows like Mistero, Wild, and Dalla Parte Degli Animali. From the TV Shows working experience, I learned that entartainment, when applied correctly to information, is a winning key in attracting audience. This is how three specific  branded content formats were born to teach and bring awareness about health, finance, and best practices.

Finance branded content MONEYCOM

The specific infotainment format for financial industry.

More than 50% of Italians doesn’t have financial skills to take correct or aware decisions about their finances and more than 31% would like to understand how to save better by studying topics as “life planning” and “wealth management” (OCSE 2020). The MONEYCOM format by using the empathy of cinema, movies, and TV series led audience to learn about proper management of savings, correct digital tools utilization, financial planning, wealth management and more.

Detailed study about the expertise and methods behind an audiovisual format allow to tell the audience how your stories are born with newsworthy projects to gain attention.
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